Convert Personal Color Schemes to .NET MAUI

Transform your Material Design 3 color schemes into .NET MAUI XAML resources with ease.

🎨 Easy conversion
âš¡ Fast and efficient
💻 Works offline
Learn How to Use
Paste the Material Design 3 JSON theme here:


More Information

I've been working hard on this free tool that I believe can make a difference and save developers a couple of hours. This tool helps to convert Material Design 3 color schemes to .NET MAUI XAML resources.

How to Use This Tool

  1. Create Your Color Scheme: Use either the Material Foundation Theme Builder or the Figma Material Theme Builder to create your custom color scheme.
  2. Export as JSON: Once you're happy with your color scheme, export it as a JSON file from the theme builder.
  3. Copy JSON: Open the exported JSON file and copy its entire contents.
  4. Paste into Tool: Paste the copied JSON into the left text box on this page.
  5. Convert: Click the "Convert to XAML" button.
  6. Get Results: The converted XAML will appear in the right text box.
  7. Copy XAML: Click the "Copy" button above the right text box to copy the XAML to your clipboard.
  8. Use in Your Project: Paste the copied XAML into your .NET MAUI project's resource dictionary.

You can now use these color resources throughout your .NET MAUI application!

Additional Options

If you want to use AppThemeColor for light/dark theme support, check the "Use AppThemeColor" option before converting.

Frequently Asked Questions

Does it have a cost?
No, it is completely FREE.
Are you storing the data somewhere?
No, we don't save any data you converted with this tool. You can even disconnect from the internet and convert it offline, once the page is loaded.